A Week of Magical Thinking

I am a huge believer in magical thinking. Four and a half years ago I moved to Pittsburgh with a completely clean slate. I decided the new me would be a non-smoking, non-drinking, lady liker. Because I said I was, and acted like I was, I was!

Last week I did an exercise out of a self-help book (no I’m not ashamed!) called “visioneering” and it fit right into my magical mindset. The exercise had me imagine I was a wizard (no big stretch here… I’m still waiting for my Hogwarts acceptance letter… ahem!) who believed, without a doubt, my magic worked.

Next, I readied my wand, steadied the one thing I wanted in my mind, and with one fancy flick of the wrist, I created it. Somewhere in some universe, my dream exists. All I have to do is pick it up.

The Magic of “Done”

So… perhaps my imaging of things is too hokey for you. I get it. Well, let me tell you there are real life philosophers that believe in this stuff (the reality of all possibilities existing right now). What? You still aren’t convinced by philosophy?!?

Fine. Let me tell you what happened since I zapped my dream into being.

In the instant after I waved my wand around, I realized that I already was my best self: free, gutsy, and filled with abundance.

For the longest time I’ve wanted to feel like I can go wherever the wind takes me, without fear and trepidation. I’ve wanted to live as if there were no consequences, as if I didn’t care what people thought of me. I wanted to be so full of life that I could give love and money and joy away to those around me.

With one wiggle of my silly wand, I was all of those things.

I immediately left work and went on a long bike ride, keeping my options open so I could change direction at any time. I emailed a bunch of people I wanted to work with, and actually started hashing out details of how I could do projects with some of them. And I freely gave away compliments, knowledge, and smiles.

My best self wears sweaters with holes under wrinkly dresses that make me feel like a diva -- just to go buy groceries.

My best self wears sweaters with holes under wrinkly dresses that make me feel like a diva — just to go buy groceries.

So, please tell me below:

What does your dream self look like? And, once you wave your wand, how can you act to make it so?