We Put the “Fun” in Fundraising

With only 33 days left until orientation, Avry and I are in our last sprint to fundraise for our pledges of 4,500 dollars each! We are constantly thinking of new and exciting ways to get people interested in what we’re doing, and why we’re raising money for the affordable housing crisis. (Please check out www.cycked.org/donate if you don’t know what we’re raising money for!)

We had a BLAST last Friday at the Hot Metal Hardware show auctioning off Avry’s hair. You read that right… we actually had drag show fans vote with their donation dollars on which over-the-top ridiculous haircut we would give Avry. And then, amidst hoots and hollers, cell phone camera flashes, and terrified silence (on my part), the amazing JJ Cox shaved Avry’s head on stage.

The crowd chose the BiHawk. My heart almost jumped out of my chest when JJ ran the clippers right down the middle of Avry’s head. After a painstaking quarter of an hour of hair removal (which didn’t look too comfortable for Avry), Avry emerged completely bald–save two raised patches of creepy hair jutting out of the top of that bald expanse haphazardly. Avry’s look was one of complete shock. But Avry’s pain and horror became our delight.

The BiHawk


We raised an amazing amount of money thanks to HMH fans, and that fundraiser will live on for years on YouTube (link to come soon). I can’t wait to replay that for our soon-to-be Bike & Build besties.

Our next awesome fundraiser will be next Friday, May 18th. You can join us for a ton of carbs, salad, and yummy desserts between 4 and 8 pm at Community House Presbyterian Church on 120 Parkhurst Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212. There might just be another exciting event like the Hair Auction… and I know you wouldn’t want to miss that again!

Spaghetti Dinner Flyer

I hope to see you there. And stay tuned for the official announcement of our Affordable Housing Charity Bicycle Ride. You too can see what it’s like to live a day in the life of a Bike & Builder! All fun, food, and cycling!