I awoke at 7am today, and congratulated myself on turning 26. This day is the day the last of adulthood settles upon me: the day I take my health insurance into my own hands.
When I was younger I didn’t imagine I would hit this age. I thought I would go insane, be locked away, or find myself dead. I thought that was the way of creatives, burning through the brilliance of youth before it turned into decay.
But here I am, so happy and (relatively) sane, doing the thing of my dreams. I am living a life beyond anything I could have ever imagined for myself all those years ago, when I hated the person I found myself to be.
On my birthday I like to look back on the year I’ve had and look forward at the year I hope I’ll have, and I suppose I’ll do that here.
Last year was a beauty. I found myself newly engaged to the person who always pushes me to be better. I traveled to a trade show and discovered my inner networker. We took off to attempt Mount Whitney, saw a lot of Northern California, and discovered the splendor of Yosemite with my parents. I wrote for a national magazine. I fell deeper in love. I explored the trails of Washington. I learned to set boundaries. I saved money and I spent it all on a pipe dream. I took step after step. I met a soul friend. I talked about huge ideas with strangers. Strangers became less strange. A whole host of people told me they supported me, in a million different ways. The trail provided. I lost faith, and I gained more. I believed.
And with all the love and light and immense beauty I have been shown in the last year, what more could I ask for next? I hope for a larger heart, a more open mind, bigger gratitude, endless compassion. I hope that my path becomes clear, I express my love easily, I remember to bring kindness to all my interactions. I hope this year I finish this trail, give back to my community, take solemn (and joyous!) vows with Boomerang, and see more of what the world and it’s unbelievably sweet people has to offer.
I hope that 26 is as life changing as 25. And I hope you all continue to shape my life into the magical thing it is. Thank you for sharing this sparkliness with me. It wouldn’t be the same without you.